Frank Astor
Trainer - Visionary - Entertainer - Author - Presenter
Frank Astor is an inspiring trainer and coach, successful author, fascinating visionary and captivating entertainer. With far-sighted stage shows and gripping lectures, with books and workshops that, for all their thematic depth, always put shining eyes and smiles on faces. Through his book "Coach me up!" he has become a sought-after expert and trainer for coaches. He runs the event agency "Future Now Events" and the "Institute for Exceptional Goal Achievement" at Ammersee.
The future always turns out best when you overcome doubts and shape it. With this awareness Frank Astor has been successful for 40 years. In over 4,500 stage appearances, he has already reached over 1.5 million viewers. As an accomplished expert, hall-filling entertainer, keynote speaker and moderator.
The future is in the door and confronts us with robotics, artificial intelligence, chatpgt &Co - and this at a breathtaking speed that could scare us. Now it's a matter of looking at the opportunities and possibilities that all this offers us.
For this, Astor puts on his humor goggles, discovers inspiring views, profitable outlooks and conjures up a glow on the faces of his audience. And the future is no longer the future. It's a perspective that gives you courage.
In Astor's keynote shows, your neurons experience fireworks. That's because they involve an average of over 180,000 euros in research and development costs and the results of intensive cooperation with renowned trend agencies and future institutes.
The laughing muscles of IT experts were strained just as much as those of the audience, who are concerned with the complexity of digitization, innovations and future trends. And with Astor's keynote shows, recognizing the opportunities for themselves.
Astor attended the University of Music and Performing Arts in Hamburg and trained as an actor. In addition, he gained further qualifications, including as an N.L.P. trainer, systemic coach and management consultant.Moderation of conferences and large group events