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Stephan A. Jansen | Redner & Perspektiven - Die internationale Redneragentur
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Stephan A. Jansen

possible topics:

  • Mobility, Environment & Energy
  • Future of cities (climate-neutral, sustainable, livable); urban innovation for health
  • Future of mobility - trend checks
  • What's left? Post-Digital Organizational, Leadership and Human Resources Development
  • Business model innovations for societal transformation tasks
  • Complex innovation systems and their management (hybrid innovation management)
  • Future of Education & Training, Generation YZAlpha & Woke
  • Mergers & Acquisitions: post-merger, cooperation and network management


  • Bewegt Euch. Selber!: Wie wir unsere Mobilität für gesunde und klimaneutrale Städte neu erfinden können (Mai 2022 – Mit-Autor)
  • Die Befreiung der Bildung – Schönschrift für die Neugier in digitalen Zeiten (2018). Nicolai
  • Oszillodox – Virtualisierung: Die permanente Neuerfindung der Organisation (2000 - Wiederauflage 2017)
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (6. Auflage 2016)
  • On the Nature of Social Business Model Innovation - in: Social Business (2015)
  • Konvergente Geschäftsmodell-Innovationen in Deutschland - Zeitschrift für Organisation (201/2014)
  • Sozialunternehmen in Deutschland (2013)
  • Management von Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen, Deutschland und Silicon Valley (2004)

Prof. Dr. Stephan A. Jansen

Economist, author, consultant, entrepreneur
Stephan A. Jansen

Prof. Dr. Stephan A. Jansen stands for education & research, consulting & lectures and “movement” for healthy and climate neutral companies and cities.

He holds the chair for Management, Innovation and Financing, is head of the "Center for Philanthropy & Civil Society (PhiCS)" at Karlshochschule in Karlsruhe. He is further founding coordinator for the "Digital Urban Center for Aging & Health (DUCAH)" at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society in cooperation with Charité, Einstein Center, Weizenbaum Institute and Berlin Universities and since July 2021 Professor for Urban Innovation - Health, Mobility, Digitalization at the University of the Arts, Berlin.

Since 2016 he is partner of the organization, strategy and brand consultancy "Das 18te Kamel & Komplizen" in Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna for many Dax corporations, family businesses and charities as well as managing director "Gesellschaft für Urbane Mobilität" in Berlin with service bike and fleet solutions for companies & districts (BICICLI Cycling Solutions) and the mobility consultancy MOND - Mobility New Designs) - among others he was awarded with the German Bicycle Award, the Future Mobility Award of the Tagesspiegel and with the Innovation Award of the German Trade).

Since 1999 he has been a regular visiting researcher at Stanford University. He is the author of more than 20 books and over 300 publications. He has also been a contributor to the business magazine "brand eins", the magazine "enorm" and co-editor of the "Zeitschrift für Management" since 2005.
His book "Oszillodox" was chosen by the "Harvard Business School" as one of the 100 most important management books of the 20th century. Many of his books have been published in several editions. The next one at Hanser Verlag will be on Healthy Cities.

He studied economics in Witten/Herdecke (doctorate), at the universities of New York, Tokyo Kezai and Stanford University and at Harvard Business School. From 2003 to 2014 he was the appointed founding president and CEO of the foundation-supported Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance).

At the age of 31 he was the youngest university president in Germany. The successful establishment of Zeppelin University as a renowned private university is closely associated with his name.

Prof. Jansen is a sought-after scientific advisor or advisory board member of a large number of companies, foundations, social enterprises, educational institutions and ministries: e.g. member of the »Innovation Dialogue« of the Chancellor, the »Research Union« of the Federal Ministry of Research and the Advisory Board of the then Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance Peer Steinbrück.
Prof. Jansen has received numerous awards from the media, foundations and politicians over the past decades. In 2016, he was the first of two Germans to be recognized in the global ranking for management thinkers "Thinkers50."

His lectures are decidedly eloquent, challenging but highly entertaining, interactive and provocatively pointed; thinking outside the box is guaranteed.

possible topics:

  • Mobility, Environment & Energy
  • Future of cities (climate-neutral, sustainable, livable); urban innovation for health
  • Future of mobility - trend checks
  • What's left? Post-Digital Organizational, Leadership and Human Resources Development
  • Business model innovations for societal transformation tasks
  • Complex innovation systems and their management (hybrid innovation management)
  • Future of Education & Training, Generation YZAlpha & Woke
  • Mergers & Acquisitions: post-merger, cooperation and network management


  • Bewegt Euch. Selber!: Wie wir unsere Mobilität für gesunde und klimaneutrale Städte neu erfinden können (Mai 2022 – Mit-Autor)
  • Die Befreiung der Bildung – Schönschrift für die Neugier in digitalen Zeiten (2018). Nicolai
  • Oszillodox – Virtualisierung: Die permanente Neuerfindung der Organisation (2000 - Wiederauflage 2017)
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (6. Auflage 2016)
  • On the Nature of Social Business Model Innovation - in: Social Business (2015)
  • Konvergente Geschäftsmodell-Innovationen in Deutschland - Zeitschrift für Organisation (201/2014)
  • Sozialunternehmen in Deutschland (2013)
  • Management von Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen, Deutschland und Silicon Valley (2004)