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Fabian Westerheide | Redner & Perspektiven - Die internationale Redneragentur
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Fabian Westerheide

possible topics:

  • AI as a chance for companies and foundations
  • Change
  • Is Germany ready for the rise of AI?
  • Software is eating the world and AI is eating Software
  • Strategic implications of AI for companies
  • The second cognitive (r)evolution


  • Die KI-Nation: Zwischen Dystopie und Utopie (2024)

Fabian Westerheide

Entrepreneur and investor for Artificial Intelligence
Fabian Westerheide

Fabian Westerheide delivers inspiring and passionate key-note speeches on the world of Artificial Intelligence. As an en-trepreneur of the digital industry, author and investor, Fabian Westerheide is involved in over 40 companies. Furthermore, he is the organizer of the biggest Conference of Artificial Intelli-gence “Rise of AI”, coordinator for Artificial Intelligence at the Federal Association of German Start-Ups (Bundesverband deutscher Start-Ups) and Ex-pert for Artificial Intelligence for the Bundestag.

In addition to several TEDx lec-tures and presentations at in-ternational technology confer-ences, Fabian Westerheide regularly talks about the status, the development and the future with Artificial Intelligence for companies like Daimler, Mi-crosoft, Audi, Commerzbank, Telekom; Parties and founda-tions. Artificial Intelligence offers opportunities and challenges for companies, education, politics and society. It affects us all and needs to be understood and discussed in time.

Fabian understands why Artificial Intelligence becomes (again) rel-evant today. He defines AI and gives a comprehensive overview of the current state of technology. Afterwards, Fabian Westerheide discusses further questions, be-fore he finally gives an outlook on trends and developments of artifi-cial intelligence.

Fabian speaks thrilling and em-bodies the seriousness of a per-son whose daily work consists of artificial intelligence at the same time. He sets a high pace, ex-plains also complex contexts in a comprehensive way and encour-ages his listeners to reflect and think about AI as it is about to be-come more and more an element of our daily (work) life.

He presents in German and Eng-lish

possible topics:

  • AI as a chance for companies and foundations
  • Change
  • Is Germany ready for the rise of AI?
  • Software is eating the world and AI is eating Software
  • Strategic implications of AI for companies
  • The second cognitive (r)evolution


  • Die KI-Nation: Zwischen Dystopie und Utopie (2024)