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Speaker Bulletin aus dem CSA-Netzwerk

CSAMit dem 'Speaker Bulletin' möchten wir Sie über wichtige Neuigkeiten, Ereignisse und Entwicklungen auf dem internationalen Rednermarkt informieren. Darüber hinaus geben wir Ihnen Einblicke in die Aktivitäten unseres globalen CSA –Netzwerks (Celebrity Speakers Associates).

Das 'Speaker Bulletin' erscheinen mehrmals im Jahr in englischer Sprache. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind und sie das 'Speaker Bulletin' abonnieren möchten, füllen Sie bitte das nachfolgende Formular aus. Der Versand erfolgt per Email.

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Aus der aktuellen Ausgabe

THE ROLE OF Technology & Geopolitics - by Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Anders Fogh Rasmussen is a former Prime Minister of Denmark and Former NATO Secretary General. Anders is a keynote business speaker and now runs his own consultancy, where he focuses on international security challenges, from both a technology and business view, and geopolitical trends.

CSA Speaker Bulletin January 2020Technology is at the centre of the global competition between the world’s democracies on one side and autocracies such as China and Russia on the other side.

The artificial intelligence race will not only affect national security but also influence how multinational corporations and financial institutions operate.

While independent multinationals serve consumers and many diverse shareholders, Chinese corporations underpin the technological and political ambitions of the Communist Party. Under pressure, some Western governments are tempted by more interventionist and protectionist policies to win the battle for technological dominance. In this brave new world, geopolitics and cyberspace are likely to become
ever more interconnected, especially as technology transfers are becoming politically more sensitive.

Multinational corporations will find it hard to stay away from geopolitical issues. Now more than ever, private companies have a role to play in safeguarding the world in which we all live and prosper. Now is the time to strengthen cooperation between
the world’s democracies and ensure that technological development is anchored in democratic norms.

The race for AI supremacy, Europe’s attempts to achieve ‘digital sovereignty’, and the role of tech in geopolitics are matters that I plan to work and speak on in the months and years ahead..... » Aktuelles CSA Speaker Bulletin ansehen

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Redner der Woche

Dr. h.c. Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Ministerpräsident von Dänemark von 2001 bis 2009, von 1998 bis 2009 Vorsitzender der Venstre-Partei und 2009 bis 2014 Generalsekretär der NATO. Seine Agentur „Rasmussen Global" berät zu Themen Sicherheitspolitik, transatlantische Beziehungen, Europäische Union und wirtschaftspolitische Entwicklung.