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Stefan Brunnhuber | Redner & Perspektiven - Die internationale Redneragentur
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Stefan Brunnhuber

possible topics:

  • Finance and sustainability - How do we finance our future?
  • Homo Digitalis - Ask your doctor or social scientist about the risks and side effects
  • Mobility, Environment & Energy
  • Open societies and autocratic experiments
  • Political liberalism in the 21st century. Why we need more freedom and more responsibility
  • Sustainability
  • The "creativity response" - how to increase the learning curve based on evidence
  • The art of transformation - How we learn to adapt successfully and change the world at the same time


  • The Third Culture: The Impact of AI on Knowledge, Society and Consciousness in the 21st Century (2024)
  • Die Finanzierung unserer Zukunft (2023)
  • Freiheit oder Zwang. Wer kann Nachhaltigkeit besser - offene Gesellschaften oder Autokratien?
  • Financing our Future: Unveiling a Parallel Digital Currency System to Fund the SDGs and the Common Good (2021)
  • Die Offene Gesellschaft- Ein Plädoyer für Freiheit und Ordnung (2019)
  • Die Kunst der Transformation, wie wir lernen die Welt zu verändern (2016)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Brunnhuber

Economist, doctor, psychiatrist, full member of the Club of Rome and professor of sustainability
Stefan Brunnhuber

Prof Dr Dr Stefan Brunnhuber is Medical Director of the Diakonie Clinics in Saxony and Chief Physician of the Department of Integrative Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy.

The economic sociologist and psychiatrist is a full member of the Club of Rome, on the Board of Trustees of the World Academy of Sciences, advises the UN, WHO, EU and others and is the only German member of the Lancet Commission 'Post covid and green recovery' under Jeffrey Sachs.
The trained car mechanic studied medicine and economic sociology and completed his studies with a double doctorate. He habilitated in the fields of medical psychology, medical sociology and psychotherapy and has held several international visiting professorships.

He currently holds a chair in psychology and sustainability at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences in Saxony.

Main areas of work: New Financial engineering, economics of the climate crisis, autocracies and open societies.
In his lectures, Stefan Brunnhuber focusses on the significance of the financial system for social security systems, the environment, the economy and politics. He combines his economic research with his expertise in psychology.
In a well-founded, committed, critical and evidence-based manner, he shows 'out of the box' ways in which we can succeed in social transformation and what challenges still await us.
He speaks in German and English.

possible topics:

  • Finance and sustainability - How do we finance our future?
  • Homo Digitalis - Ask your doctor or social scientist about the risks and side effects
  • Mobility, Environment & Energy
  • Open societies and autocratic experiments
  • Political liberalism in the 21st century. Why we need more freedom and more responsibility
  • Sustainability
  • The "creativity response" - how to increase the learning curve based on evidence
  • The art of transformation - How we learn to adapt successfully and change the world at the same time


  • The Third Culture: The Impact of AI on Knowledge, Society and Consciousness in the 21st Century (2024)
  • Die Finanzierung unserer Zukunft (2023)
  • Freiheit oder Zwang. Wer kann Nachhaltigkeit besser - offene Gesellschaften oder Autokratien?
  • Financing our Future: Unveiling a Parallel Digital Currency System to Fund the SDGs and the Common Good (2021)
  • Die Offene Gesellschaft- Ein Plädoyer für Freiheit und Ordnung (2019)
  • Die Kunst der Transformation, wie wir lernen die Welt zu verändern (2016)